
310 Permits

Any private citizen or company who plans to do work in or near a perennial flowing stream in Cascade County must obtain a 310 Permit. There is no fee for the permit and we always recommend checking with us if there's any doubt that your stream is affected.

What type of activites typically require a permit?

Stream Crossings (culverts, bridges, fords)

Streambank protection projects (stabilization, 'riprap')

Docks, boat ramps


Channel changes, dredging

Trenching in utility lines or pipelines

New dams, resevoirs, ponds

Updating or reparing currently existing projects

Emergency Situations

The 310 Law contains a provision to handle actions necessary to safeguard life or property, including growing crops, during emergencies. The emergency form is available on this Web site or from the CCD office. We encourage you to notify us immediately in an emergency. Our supervisors can help you make the best decisions for you and for our water resources. If you must take emergency action, notify the CCD in writing within 15 days of the action taken explaining what was done and why. The emergency action will be reviewed by the CCD, which will decide whether the action was appropriate, must be modified, or must be removed and/or replaced.

This is the emergency form.

Starting a project without a permit

It is a misdemeanor to initiate a project without a permit; to conduct activities outside the scope of the permit, to violate emergency procedures, or to use prohibited materials in a project. Upon conviction of a misdemeanor, a person may be punished by a fine up to $500 or by a civil penalty not to exceed $500 per day for each day the person continues to alter the stream. In addition, at the discretion of the court, the person may be required to restore the damaged stream as recommended by the CCD to as near its prior condition as possible.

You can fill out this complaint form and email it to us if necessary.

floodplain permit

You may need to obtain a floodplain permit from the Cascade County Planning Department.

To determine if that is necessary, click this link to be directed to the Cascade County Planning Department’s Determination Form.

Related Information

Other useful information regarding 310 Permits can be found on the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation website.

You can find their website here.

You can check out the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation's 310 Permit Database here.

Other Permitting Agencies in Montana

Army Corps of Engineers

Army Corps of Engineers Logo

Local Office:

100 Neil Ave, Suite 200

Helena, Montana 59601


You can find their website here.

Montana Department of Environmental Quality

Montana Deparment of Environmental Quality Logo

Local Office:

P.O. Box 200901

Helena, MT 59620-0901


You can find their website here.

Cascade Conservation District

600 Sixth St NW, Ste 100

Great Falls, MT 59404

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